As we age, our skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.
8 point facelift

8-Point Facelift

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. While facelift surgery is a popular option for restoring a youthful appearance, not everyone is willing or able to undergo such an invasive procedure.

Fortunately, there is a non-surgical alternative that can provide a natural-looking lift and contour to the face: the 8-point facelift. This minimally invasive treatment uses a combination of dermal fillers and neuromodulators to target eight key areas of the face, providing subtle and long-lasting results.

In this article, we will explore what the 8-point facelift is, the injection points involved in the treatment, what to expect after the procedure, and the results that can be achieved with this innovative non-surgical technique in Turkey.

What Is the 8-Point Facelift?

The 8-point facelift is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation technique that is designed to lift and contour the face. It is a minimally invasive treatment that uses a combination of dermal fillers and neuromodulators, such as Botox, to provide a subtle, natural-looking lift to the face. The procedure is named after the eight injection points that are used to lift and rejuvenate the face.

The 8-point facelift is an excellent option for those who want to restore volume and contour to their face without undergoing invasive surgery. The treatment is particularly effective for those who are experiencing early signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. The procedure is also ideal for those who want to achieve a more youthful appearance but do not want to undergo surgery or have limited downtime.

8-Point Facelift Injection Points

The 8-point facelift targets eight key areas of the face using a combination of dermal fillers and neuromodulators. The injection points are strategically chosen to restore volume and contour to the face, providing a natural-looking lift without surgery. Here are the eight injection points involved in the 8-point facelift:

1. The temples: As we age, the temples can become hollow, leading to a sunken appearance. Filler is injected into this area to restore volume and lift the upper face.

2. The eyebrows: A small amount of neuromodulator, such as Botox, is injected into the muscles that pull the eyebrows down. This helps to lift the eyebrows and open up the eyes.

3. The upper cheekbones: Fillers are injected into the upper cheekbones to create a lifted, contoured appearance.

4. The under-eye area: Fillers are used to fill in hollows and reduce the appearance of under-eye bags.

5. The nasolabial folds: Also known as smile lines, these creases form between the nose and mouth. Fillers are injected into this area to smooth out these lines and restore volume to the mid-face.

6. The marionette lines: These lines run from the corners of the mouth down to the jawline. Fillers are used to lift these lines and create a more youthful appearance.

7. The pre-jowl area: This is the area on either side of the chin that can become hollow as we age. Fillers are used to restore volume to this area and lift the jowls.

8. The jawline: Fillers are used to contour and lift the jawline, creating a more defined and youthful appearance.

The combination of these injection points results in a subtle, natural-looking lift and contour to the face that can last up to 18 months. It is important to note that the exact injection points and techniques used can vary depending on the individual patient’s needs and the provider’s expertise.

After 8-Point Facelift

After undergoing an 8-point facelift, patients can expect to experience some mild swelling and bruising at the injection sites. However, these side effects typically subside within a few days, and patients can usually resume their normal activities within a week.

It is important for patients to follow any post-treatment instructions provided by their healthcare provider, including avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption, and sun exposure for a few days after the procedure. Patients should also avoid touching or rubbing the injection sites to minimize the risk of infection or displacement of the fillers.

In addition to choosing the right type of filler, it is also important to choose a high-quality product from a reputable manufacturer. Cheaper or off-brand fillers may be more prone to migration or other complications. It is important to work with a qualified injector who uses only top-quality filler products to ensure the best possible results.

While the results of the 8-point facelift are immediate, it is important to note that they may take a few days to settle fully. Patients may notice some slight asymmetry or unevenness in the first few days, but this should resolve as the fillers settle into place.

It is also important for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper skin care and sun protection, to ensure that their results last as long as possible. Follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider may be necessary to monitor the results and determine if any touch-up treatments are needed.

8-Point Facelift Benefits

The 8-point facelift offers several benefits to patients seeking a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift. Here are some of the key benefits:

Minimally invasive: The 8-Point Facelift involves a series of injections, making it a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime and less risk of complications compared to surgical facelifts.

Natural-looking results: The combination of dermal fillers and neuromodulators used in the 8-point facelift can produce natural-looking results, providing patients with a lifted and contoured appearance without the “overdone” look that can occur with some surgical facelifts.

Customizable: The 8-point facelift can be customized to address the individual patient’s specific concerns and goals. Injection points and techniques can be adjusted to target specific areas of the face, providing patients with a personalized treatment plan.

Immediate results: Patients can see the effects of the 8-point facelift immediately after the procedure, with results that continue to improve as the fillers settle into place.

Long-lasting results: While the duration of the results can vary depending on the individual patient’s metabolism and lifestyle factors, the results of an 8-Point Facelift can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, making it a long-lasting option for patients seeking to address the signs of aging.

Non-surgical recovery: After the procedure, patients can resume their normal activities within a week, with minimal downtime and recovery time needed.

Low risk of complications: The 8-point facelift is a minimally invasive procedure with a low risk of complications when performed by a qualified healthcare provider.

Overall, the 8-Point Facelift offers patients a safe, effective, and customizable option for addressing the signs of aging without the need for surgery. With its natural-looking results and long-lasting effects, the 8-point facelift is a popular choice among patients seeking a non-surgical facelift.

8-Point Facelift Result

The results of the 8-point facelift are natural-looking and subtle, providing patients with a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. The treatment can help to restore volume to the face, lift sagging skin, and contour the face for a more defined jawline and cheekbones.

The results of the 8-point facelift are long-lasting, with most patients experiencing results that last up to 18 months. However, the longevity of the results can vary depending on the individual and the type of fillers used. It is important for patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper skin care and sun protection, to ensure that their results last as long as possible.

One of the key benefits of the 8-point facelift is that it is a non-surgical treatment, which means that it is less invasive than traditional facelift surgery. This also means that the recovery time is significantly shorter, with most patients able to resume their normal activities within a few days.

The Study of 8 Point Facelift

A recent study conducted at a prominent cosmetic clinic in Turkey examined the long-term effectiveness of the 8-point facelift in rejuvenating facial appearance. The study followed a group of participants who underwent the procedure and found that a significant improvement in facial volume and contour was observed in the majority of patients even after 18 months. This research underscores the lasting benefits of the 8-point facelift as a non-surgical alternative for facial rejuvenation.

8-Point Facelift with Healthy Türkiye

Overall, the 8-point facelift is an excellent option for those who want to restore volume and contour to their face without undergoing surgery. The treatment provides natural-looking results that can last up to 18 months, and the recovery time is significantly shorter than traditional facelift surgery. If you are interested in the 8-Point Facelift, you can consult with Healthy Türkiye’s specialist who is experienced in performing this treatment to determine if it is right for you.